Qus: If Outlook Identity Password lost ? How to open account for see mails ?????
Ans : you will need to delete this identity from registry. Create a new identity in outlook express and import the older identity ( from windows explorer) as a folder into the new identity in outlook express…….
1) Start à run à regedit
3) Click on each item under ‘identities’ to find the identity with the lost password. You can do this by selecting each identity and looking in the right hand side pane. Look for the username value to find out which identity the item is related to.
Once you find the identity make a note of its string of numbers and letters.
This will be needed to import your old message into the new identity.
A) Now select the identity number and delete it. Confirm by clicking on ‘yes’
B) Now open outlook Express and create a new identity.
C) Login to your new identity and import the identity with the lost password. Click on ‘File | Import | Message '.
D) Choose Microsoft outlook express from the list and click ‘Next’.
E) Select ‘Import mail from an OE5 (Outlook Express 5) store directory and click on ok.
F) Click on the ‘Browser’ Button. Browse to c:\windows\application Data ____________
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