Thursday, 26 December 2013

Share Internet Connection from your Android phone using Wi-Fi Tether

In this article i am using Sony Xperia M Series mobile. Here are some step to connect internet from your phone to laptop using android Wi-Fi Tether

Step 1 - Firstly , your Laptop or PC Wi-Fi is turn on : ---------------

Step 2 - Enable Your "Data Packet" from your phone & Check Internet in mobile, it is working or not ?

Step 3 - go to your phone settings and select more button. now you can select "Tethering & Portable Hotspot". (Figure 1.1 )

                                                                      Figure 1.1

Step 4 - Now select "Portable Wi-Fi hotspot" and make it enable .  (Figure 1.2)

                                                                       Figure 1.2

Step 4 - Now select "set up Wi-Fi hotspot". Set the Network SSID Name "IT" and select "Security" Type "WPA2 PSK". Now Set Password (For Wireless Security from unauthorized user) ------- (Figure 1.3)

                                                                       Figure 1.3
Step 5 - After doing all the step properly,  click on laptop "Network Icon" in the bottom side, which will show you available networks.

Step 6 - Select "IT" (Wireless Network Connection) which SSID name given by you in phone. Click on Connect button and provide the same password as what you have set in mobile.

Step 7 - See Internet Icon to appear in you PC. Enjoy.....Now you can surfing with your browser.

            Note : This article is written for Mr. Vikash from Saharanpur. I hope this article is useful for you.

Friday, 28 June 2013

Windows Xp Installation from Pen Drive

Dear Friend's.............

For Prepare Windows XP bootable pen drive download Komku-SP-usb.exe utility. double click on this exe file. now Komku folder is create in drive c:.

goto c drive and click on komku folder. for format flash drive  click on PeToUsb folder now click on PeToUSB.exe file. insert flash drive in usb port and select these option which is show on image file.
after select these option click on start button. click on yes button.
for format the flash drive click on yes button.
flash drive format successfully message appear on screen.

now go to command prompt. 
to transfer bootcode on flash drive. type these command which show on image file.
Now insert Windows XP cd in cd-rom drive and prepare flash drive for windows xp setup.
press any key to continue

select xp setup source path ......
enter choice 1 and select the cd - rom drive. in this article drive d: is our cd-rom drive.
now create temporary drive. please select the option 2 if you are not choose this option it will create drive t: default temporary drive.
select usb drive letter. enter option 3. enter the usb drive letter. in this article drive e: is our flash drive.
to create temporary drive xp image please select option 4
temporary drive created and formatted. After formating the temporary drive , xp setup file copy in temporary drive.

press any key to continue........
now copy xp setup file from temporary drive to flash drive..........

now click on yes button for complete the xp setup files.
for unmount the virtual drive click on yes button ......
press any key to continue... Enjoy XP Bootable pendrive created.........

now go to bios setup program and select first boot device --- flash drive .
select option first ... now installation process begin.....

after restart the computer please select option 2 for gui mode installation process.........

I hope this article is useful for you..... Enjoy......

Sunday, 23 June 2013

Windows XP Installation After Windows 7 -- Part-2

Some Useful Command

bcdedit   /bootsequence  {ntldr}


While this used to be a simple procedure in XP, It still can be relatively easy, if you are comfortable with command line interfaces. First , we need to identify the GUID of the operating system that we want to configure as default as the command prompt type……………
bcdedit   /enum

now we will get an output similar to this. This tells us that our windows xp installation has a GUID {ntldr}. To set this as the default choice in our boot manager, type…..
bcdedit   /default   {ntldr}


To speed up your boot up time , you can lower the timeout period specified for the default operating system to startup. To do this, type …………
bcdedit   /timeout   Timeout Value

To change the order in which your operating systems are listed , type
Bcdedit   /displayorder

If you have a lot of operating system entries, you can add flags like ‘addfirst’ or ‘addlast’  to push the entry to the top or the bottom of the list. For Example ::::::::
Bcdedit   /displayorder   {current}   -addfirst

Will move windows vista / Windows 7 to the top of the list.

To remove an operating system, discard its entry from the boot configuration list by using
Bcdedit   /delete  {ntldr}  /f

However, for more critical entries, such as  {default} you might have to use the command with a  ‘ /f ‘ to forcefully delete the  entry.


If you attempt to retrieve using ‘system start repair ‘ is unsuccessful , start the repair console and enter the following commands….

cd  boot
attrib  bcd  -s  -h  -r
ren  c:\boot\bcd   bcd.old
bootrec   /rebuildbcd

Rewriting MBR

Insert the Win Vista / Win 7 Setup DVD and select ‘ System Start Repair ‘  . if the does not work , boot the repair console in xp and enter the command..
bootrec   /fixmbr

                ------------This Articale is created from the help of Some Website . I hope this is useful for you. For more updates please visit my website. ----------------
Enjoy …….

Wednesday, 1 May 2013

Booting the Windows NT System

POWER ON SELF - TEST (POST)                             
Planning , Designing & Implementing Computer's Network 
Power on self test or post is a set of instructions stored in the rom that checks each functional area of the computer. These instructions from a part of the ROM- BIOS. The POST checks RAM , Test the Connections to the various hardware devices like the keyboard, VDU and disk drive and reports problem encounted.
The next stage is bootstrap process.


The name of the process originates from an American expression, Pull yourself up by your boot straps which means, prepare yourself. During this process, the OS is loaded into RAM. Familiarity with the boot process help in understanding the OS better..

                           The Bootstrap process comprises two sequences.

1) Preboot Sequence
2) Actual Boot Sequence


The bootstrap process consist of loading the components of the OS into internal memory (RAM), of the computer. These Components are ____________

A) Kernel: Kernel is a program that act as an interface layer between the user and the hardware components. The kernel abstracts, or hides, the hardware details from the User.

B) Device Drivers: are program that operate various devices attached to the computer.  For Example , the disk drive and the mouse have their own device drivers.

Actual Boot Sequence: 

The Actual Boot Sequence succeeds the preboot sequence. The sequence gathers information about hardware and drivers in preparation for the WINNT load phases. Windows NT requires certain files in orders to boot. They are _____________

               1) NTLDR ->  loads the O.S. (Operating System)

               2) BOOT.INI -> Builds the O.S. Selection menu that is displayed during the
                                           Booting Process.

               3) NTDETECT.COM -> Examines the hardware available and builds a hardware  
Note :This Articale is created from the help of Some Website . I hope this is useful for you. For more updates please visit my Blog.............. ========================================================================

Xavier Info Technology

(Planning , Designing & Implementing Computer's Network)

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Tuesday, 9 April 2013

Outlook Express Password Forgot

Qus: If Outlook Identity Password lost ? How to open  account for see mails ?????

Ans : you will need to delete this identity from registry. Create a new identity in outlook express and import the older identity ( from windows explorer) as a folder into the new identity in outlook express…….

1) Start à run à regedit


3) Click on each item under ‘identities’ to find the identity with the lost password. You can do this by selecting each identity and looking in the right hand side pane. Look for the username value to find out which identity the item is related to.
      Once you find the identity make a note of its string of numbers and letters.
This will be needed to import your old message into the new identity.

 A) Now select the identity number and delete it. Confirm by clicking on ‘yes’

  B) Now open outlook Express and create a  new identity.

 C) Login to your new identity and import the identity with the lost password. Click on ‘File | Import | Message '.
  D) Choose Microsoft outlook express from the list and click ‘Next’.

  E) Select ‘Import mail from an OE5 (Outlook Express 5) store directory and click on ok.

  F) Click on the ‘Browser’ Button. Browse to c:\windows\application Data ____________

Note :This Articale is created from the help of Some Website . I hope this is useful for you. For more updates please visit my Blog..............